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[Today's 블록체인 News] 가상화폐 거래소 시스템 오류로 인해 코인 무료 지급 外

2018년 4월 26일
© 비트코인 뉴스 기사 요약 ©

1. A South Korean cryptocurrency exchange said it suffered an internal system error which affected withdrawals. The exchange claimed that users were able to withdraw five times the number of coins they requested. It is asking for the coins back, and will seek civil liabilities and damages from users who do not voluntarily return the coins.

새로운 한국 암호화폐 거래소가 내부 시스템 오류로 인해 사용자들에게 무료로
가상화폐를 지급한 것으로 밝혀져 이에 자발적인 동전 반납을 요구하고 있음

참조 기사 : System Error at Korean Crypto Exchange Gave Users Free Coins

2. The bitcoin cash (BCH) community understands key principles: Bitcoin should be a peer to peer Electronic Cash system; most users can use SPV wallets instead of running their own node; “second layer” scaling solutions are often unnecessary and problematic. While important, and it places the BCH ahead of others, education isn’t only about the scaling debate. It’s important to understand all aspects of Bitcoin.

비트코인 캐쉬 커뮤니티는 핵심 원칙을 이해하고 있으며 궁극적으로 P2P가 되어야 한다고 언급
자체 노드를 실행하는 대신 지갑을 사용하는데 이러한 겹층 솔루션은 종종 불필요하고 문제가 됨

참조 기사 : How Bitcoin Cash Can Avoid the Same Mistakes as Bitcoin Core, Part 1

3. According to the infamous licensed brothel in Nevada, the Moonlite Bunny Ranch, a sex worker named Lana West was paid for her intimate favors with a few thousand dollars in bitcoin. Since then the Bunny Ranch has announced accepting the digital currency for sexual services.

네바다 주에 있는 소수 성 노동자들을 위한 업소인 Moonlite Bunny Ranch가
가상화폐인 비트코인으로 결제를 주고 받으면서 매춘을 한다는 것이 밝혀져

참조 기사 : The Notorious Bunny Ranch Brothel Now Accepts Bitcoin

4. On April 25 digital assets are seeing volatile price declines today across cryptocurrency markets worldwide. Over the past 24-hours, the entire cryptocurrency market capitalization has lost more than $30Bn since our last markets update. Bitcoin Core (BTC) market prices are averaging $8,920 right now after tumbling to the $8,700 territories earlier today. Bitcoin (BCH) market values have also dropped from their $1,550 high and currently hover around the $1,270 zone.

4월 25일 전 세계적으로 가상화폐 시장에서 디지털 자산의 가격 변동이 급격히 줄어듬
현재 비트코인 시세는 9천불 이하로 하락했으며 일종의 가격 조정으로써 나타나는 듯

참조 기사 : Markets Update: Bears Return to Crypto Markets for Some Action

5. The bitcoin exchange industry is widely considered to be in a process of transition, with big players stepping in and acquisitions leading to greater consolidation. As such it is not surprising to hear that Bitstamp is on the shelf, although a rumored buyer now denies it.

비트코인 화폐 산업은 거대 기업들이 진입하고 인수 합병이 강화되면서 과도기 상태임
넥슨 코리아가 가상화폐 거래소인 Bitstamp를 인수할 거라는 소문이 돌고 있으나 넥슨은 부인

참조 기사 : $350 Million Bitstamp Acquisition Negotiations Denied by Nexon CEO