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[Today's 블록체인 News] 코인원, 인도네시아에서 가상화폐 거래 개시 外

2018년 4월 17일
© 비트코인 뉴스 기사 요약 ©

1. One of South Korea’s top three cryptocurrency exchanges, Coinone, is launching an exchange in Indonesia. Initially, six cryptocurrencies will be supported but the exchange plans to add more coins. Coinone is also launching an airdrop event for 10,000 pre-registrants.

한국의 상위 3개 가상화폐 거래소 중 하나인 코인원이 인도네시아에서 교환을 시작
처음에는 6개의 가상화폐가 지원될 예정이지만 앞으로 더 많이 추가될 계획

참조 기사 : Major Korean Exchange Launches in Indonesia with Six Cryptocurrencies

2. China’s cryptocurrency markets have witnessed a number of significant events in recent weeks, including affirmation from the People Bank of China (PBOC)’s new governor, which will likely intensify the country’s crackdown on cryptocurrency.

중국 중앙 은행 신임 총재는 가상화폐에 대한 단속을 완화하지 않을 것이라고 확답

참조 기사 : China's Position on Crypto Likely to Harden Under New PBOC Governor

3. In the U.S. tax season has arrived and many American cryptocurrency proponents are squirming because they have to pay for some of the gains they made last year. However, there are a lot of digital currency holders who could care less about taxes and they strongly believe that taxation is antithetical to cryptocurrencies. While there is a good portion of digital currency holders planning to file their gains and losses, many crypto-advocates don’t plan to pay their tax liabilities.

미국의 가상화폐에 대한 조세 조치에도 불구하고 많은 이들이 세금에 대해 신경을 쓰지 않으며
세금이 가상화폐와 대립한다고 강력히 믿음 이들은 세금을 지불할 의사가 없음

참조 기사 : Tax Time is Here and Lots of Cryptocurrency Holders Don't Care

4. Coinbase has completed the acquisition of Earn.com, an app that lets users get cryptocurrency for answering emails and completing tasks. The Earn startup team joins the company and the founder will serve as its first CTO, as part of the deal.

코인베이스가 사용자의 전자 메일에 응답하고 암호 해독을 가능하게 하는 응용 프로그램 구비 완료

참조 기사 : Coinbase Acquires Earn.com for an Estimated $100 Million

5. It appears that the Iranian people are losing trust in the rial as it continues to depreciate in value. In response, the government of Iran is trying to prevent them from getting their hands on foreign currency, providing another example of the need for bitcoin. We should expect to see a growth in local bitcoin use as this situation develops, just as has happened in Venezuela and elsewhere.

이란 중앙 은행은 외국 가상 화폐나 외화 통화 거래를 금지하는 조치를 취함
새로운 고정 금리를 적용하기 위해, 암시장 가격 거래를 막기 위해 거래자들을 체포 조치

참조 기사 : Government of Iran Bans Foreign Fiat Currency Exchanges