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[Today's 블록체인 News] 비트코인, 더 나은 코인 선택 알고리즘으로 개선 外

2018년 4월 3일
© 코인 데스크 뉴스 기사 요약 ©

1. One of the technical mechanisms that has helped earn bitcoin comparisons to cash is on the verge of a major update. Called "coin selection," the term refers to the algorithm that today decides which bits of data come together to create a user's transaction. Essentially, the coin selection code replicates the process of giving, say, a $10 bill to a cashier for a $7 item and the consumer receiving $3 in change.

"코인 선택"이라는 더 나은 메커니즘 기술 중 하나를 바탕으로 비트코인이 업그레이드 될 예정
이 알고리즘은 사용자 거래를 위해 어떤 데이터 조각들이 합쳐져야 하는지를 결정하는 방식

참조 기사 : Bitcoin Is Close to Cutting Fees with Better Coin Seletion

2. Just trolling - but maybe we should do it anyway. That's the gist of a tweetstorm Monday from Vitalik Buterin, in which the ethereum creator said his proposal to create a hard cap on the supply of ether tokens was intended as an April Fool's "meta-joke."

이더리움의 창시자 비탈릭이 만우절을 맞아 이더리움 발행량을 제한해야 할 수도 있다고 언급
물론 트롤링이었다고 언급은 했지만 중요한 논쟁임을 언급하면서 뼈있는 농담임을 강조

참조 기사 : Vitalik: Ether Limit Is a 'Joke' Worth Taking Seriously

3. The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission has halted an initial coin offering and charged its founders with "orchestrating a fraudulent initial coin offering," the regulator said Monday night. The agency said it charged Sohrab Sharma and Robert Farkas, the co-founders of Centra Tech, with fraud after they raised $32 million by selling "unregistered securities."

미국 증권 거래 위원회 SEC가 최근 사기성이 짙은 교묘한 ICO 혐의를 포착했다고 밝힘 (Centra)
특히 이 ICO는 유명한 복서 플로이드 메이웨더를 홍보 배경으로 두고 있어서 더욱 화제

참조 기사 : SEC Halts Mayweather-Backed ICO Over Alleged Fraud


4. Despite having witnessed a so-called "death cross" over the weekend, bitcoin (BTC) is now eyeing gains above the $7,000 mark. The much-feared technical indicator (bearish crossover between the 50-day moving average (MA) and the 200-day MA) was confirmed over the weekend, but, as anticipated by CoinDesk, the oversold conditions seem to have put a floor under bitcoin prices.

소위 "데드 크로스"가 우려되는 주말이었음에도 불구하고 비트코인은 7천불을 다시 넘김
그러나 코인데스크의 분석에 따르면 이동평균선(MA)보단 시세가 아래에 있으며 여전히 상황은 좋지 않음

참조 기사 : Above $7K: Bitcoin Eyes Gains After Death Cross Fails

5. Google has banned cryptocurrency mining browser extensions from the Chrome store. The U.S. tech giant announced its decision on Monday, and said that in July it will start removing existing browser extensions that facilitate mining. Other blockchain-related extensions are still allowed.

구글은 최근 크롬 스토어에 올라와 있던 가상화폐 채굴 확장 프로그램을 금지시킴
채굴이 아닌 다른 블록체인 관련 확장 프로그램은 여전히 허용함

참조 기사 : Google Bans Crypto Mining Browser Extensions from Chrome